Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Decisions Decisions

We are now in the last week of my travels - can you believe it?! And I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. The original plan was to go out to Santorini (that's the island you have seen in pictures with white buildings and blue roofs on cliffsides) and Mykonos. Then I found out there's not a ferry connecting the two this time of year and the forecast for Santorini is clouds, wind and rain all this week. Having had enough of overcast skies and rain at this point in the trip, I began to feel indifferent about going. I want to see the island but being stuck in rain, unable to go to the beach sort of defeats the point.
Last night as I worried over plans, I had a revelation - I don't have to go to Santorini. That is the beauty of traveling with a backpack and no reservations - you can adjust plans as you go. Santorini is surely one of Greece's most beautiful islands but I'll get there one day. In the mean time there are plenty of fabulous places to explore. With thoughts of warmth and sun, I thought of Crete - Greece's furthest south island. It's big with lots of things to explore, including Europe's longest gorge. Hmmm . . . new plan?
But then this morning while I was on a run through Athens, a fellow runner struck up a conversation with me and asked if I was running the marathon next weekend. I laughed and told him it was a long story. He asked if I was ready to run a marathon, and I answered that two months ago I was on track to . . . but then I went to themisdle east. Turns out he is from Columbia and came with a group on 26 people to run it. It's not too late to sign up and I'm welcome to run with the women in their group. He said he thought I should run it "as long as I'm here." I told him that had been my thinking at the start of the trip and maybe I would see him next weekend.
So now the question is before me - to I go out to beautiful Santorini and hope for good weather, head down to Crete and explore its beaches and gorge, or stay on the mainland and run the marathon next weekend. So many possibilities!
At this point in the trip I am rather worn out of planning and making a thousand decisions a day - from where to go, stay, and eat, who is safe to ask for directions, which road to take, how much can I spend. If anyone has any wisdom or thoughts to share, I welcome it as I have to decide today. Thanks friends! See you in a week!


  1. I don't know Lizzy! I say Crete or the marathon or ... HOME! You know me!

  2. Liz! It's Ellen Coe! My sister had heard from Joe and MK that you were traveling, found your blog and forwarded it to me. I've read like every post. I'm so impressed! I've been praying for you lots. Travel safely home!

    Also, I say Crete! Run the White Rock when you get back home :)

  3. Ellen! So happy to hear from you! Glad you found the blog! Email me what you've been up to -- I want to hear how life is going. lizsegulja@gmail.com
