Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just Across the Border

I have made it safely to Turkey. There will minimal problems crossing the border. Actually, they loved my passport picture. Not only do I have an extremely cheesy smile on in the photo, but since you're not allowed to smile in passport photos any more, it rather stands out. The Syrian immigration officer even started laughing a little. I like to think that I'm doing my part to improve international relations, one smile at a time.

It is amazing how crossing the border, just by a few hours, can change things so immensely. Suddenly I'm out of the desert and back in westernized civilization. Kids are wearing uniforms to school that show their knees and elbows. Women drive scooters all by themselves. The animals we pass don't look so scrawny. There is vegetation and trees, not just sand and rocks. There was even an automatic paper towel dispenser at the restaurant I ate in last night. I hardly know what to do with myself!

Although it's still very different from home, the culture is at least somewhat familiar. I am very thankful for it.


  1. Elizabeth,
    Virginia (Basham) Ferguson here. I just started reading your blog because your mom told my mom about your journeys and this blog last week! I am totally enthralled, what an adventure! Praying for safety! Would love to catch up when you get back. I am in Waco of all places! Blessings! Virginia

  2. you can't smile in your passport anymore?!? thats terrible glad mine wont expire for awhile
