Monday, October 19, 2009

Americans and their Bright T-shirts

I've read through several books during the trip. One was The Kite Runner, a great book. I cried all the way through. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, except that I read it during a bus trip. On a public bus. Yeah.
It wasn't just a few tears, but the kind of crying where your nose starts running and you need a tissue. I looked pathetic. But that is beside the point.
In the book, the main character mentions that while he was growing up, he could always tell the American tourists because of their bright t-shirts. This struck me as an odd comment so I started to watch. Upon further examination I realized that it's true.
This morning was was a perfect example. As we got dressed at the hostel, every other girl in my room changed into their almost all black outfits while I chose which of my brightly colored t-shirts I would wear today.
It didn't matter too much because it is now freezing (well, not quite but it's cold and raining which feels freezing) so my bright t-shirt was under layers of fleece and rain jacket. But nevertheless all you have to do is go into your local Gap or Old Navy to see that we do like our bright colors and patterns.
I do not yet understand why this is (if you have any ideas please share), but I have excepted it: I am an American. I like brightly colored clothes.
It ranks right up there with: I am an American. I like cold beverages (that means more than a lone piece of ice). But that is another story.
By the way, please pray that the cold and rain will leave me alone for a little while. I need a few more sunny days as I head down to the beautiful beaches in Greece. Just 3 weeks left from tomorrow!

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