Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Day, New City

At the risk of sounding cheesy or nostalgic, I have to say that there's something exciting and almost magical about arriving in a new city.
Seeing the Eiffel Tower as you fly into Paris. The first view of the pyramids as you come into Cairo. There's this feeling that a city full of possibility awaits you. Before you get lost or have your checklist of sights to see or feel overwhelmed by the chaos on the streets with people trying to sell you things. Before all that, you have this moment to admire and wonder at this beautiful city you get to experience.
Yesterday morning I arrived in Istanbul. It was one of the best city arrivals I have had this trip. I got in around 7:30 am on the overnight train (definitely better than the one in Egypt) and took the ferry across to the European part of the city, to old Istanbul where I'm staying.
I got on the ferry and breathed cool, fresh sea air after being in the stuffy train all night. I looked across the harbor, and there was the city aglow in the pink morning light. Up on the hill, I could see the Blue Mosque, Haya Sofia, and Topkapi Palace all in a line. It was awesome to see - the peacefulness of the morning before the city wakes up and the beauty of these imposing buildings.
I wish you had been there. You know the saying that the world's at your fingertips? It's times like this when I feel like it's true.

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